Install uBlock Origin
If you use some other Adblocker, such as AdBlock Plus or “AdBlock”, delete it before installing uBlock Origin.
Recommended settings
- Prevent WebRTC from leaking local IP addresses
- Block CSP reports
Keep in mind, that some browsers do not support these features, such as Safari.
To use the lists below, right click and select “Subscribe to filter list”
Advanced (Blocks annoyances)
- Fanboy’s Cookie List
- Crapblock Annoyances
- uBlock Filters - Annoyances
- AdGuard’s Annoyance List
- AdGuard’s Social Filters
- Fanboy’s Annoyance List
- AdGuard’s Spyware Filters
- Adblock Warning Removal List
- Browsing websites without logging in (blocks some of those “Please login to our site” popups)
- I Don’t Want to Download Your Browser (Blocks “Download our browser” nags)
- Anti-‘Notification pre-prompt banners’ List (Blocks ‘do you want to receive notifications from this site’ nagging)
For mobile users:
- Staying on The Mobile Browser (blocks some of those “Download our app” popups)
Stuff may more likely break if you enable these lists:
Additional lists:
- Google Fonts Blocker by @theel0ja
My personal lists
Built in (6/7)
- uBlock filters
- uBlock filters – Annoyances
- uBlock filters – Badware risks
- uBlock filters – Privacy
- uBlock filters – Resource abuse
- uBlock filters – Unbreak
Ads section (3/4)
- Adblock Warning Removal List
- Adguard Base Filters
- EasyList
Privacy (3/3)
- Adguard Spyware Filters
- EasyPrivacy
- Fanboy’s Enhanced Tracking List
Malware Domains (3/4)
- Malware Domain List
- Malware domains
- Spam404
Annoyances (5/6)
- AdGuard Annoyances filter
- AdGuard Social Media filter
- Anti-Facebook List
- Fanboy’s Cookie List
- Fanboy’s Annoyance List
Multipurpose (2/4)
- Dan Pollock’s hosts file
- Peter Lowe’s Ad and tracking server list
Custom (21)
- ↖ Anti-‘Custom cursors’ List
- ⏭ Twitch: Even More Pure Viewing Experience
- 🇦🇱 Adblock List for Albania
- ✋ Remove Annoyances/My personal blocklist
- 🍿 Know Your Meme: Pure Browsing Experience
- 🎓 Wikia: Pure Browsing Experience
- 🎙 Rickroll Link Identifier
- Dandelion Sprout’s Annoying Banners and Overlays List
- Dandelion Sprout’s Lightweight Anti-‘Social share’ List
- Dandelion Sprout’s Anti-Malware List
- Twitch: Pure Viewing Experience
- Anti-IMDB List
- Anti-Amazon List for Twitch
- YouTube: Yet Even More Pure Video Experience
- I Don’t Want to Download Your Browser
- Anti-‘Fake notification counters’ List
- Browse websites without logging in
- Google Fonts Blocker
- Crapblock General
- I don’t care about cookies
- Youtube: Pure Video Experience